E M E R A L D   A F R I C A


We are working on the development of A billing platform for Camwater that will be able to get meter reading for bill production for both prepaid and post paid meters. The input of data from the meters will be facilitated through an application which we are also developing. The meter readers will be able to scan the index from the meters that will automatically be transferred to the billing system for bill production. In the case of the Smart meters, the readings will be communicated automatically to the billing platform for the same purpose

Our centralized billing system for Camwater consists of the following features;


Bill formatting

All the necessary information is presented about the client and meter.

Report Generation

Get full report such as credit consumed and volume consumed on each meter.


Data Visualisation

Data visualization tools included for detailed representation of information.

Bill payments are made easy through our app

  • Meters can function in prepaid AND postpaid modes 
  • Customers can pay through MTN MoMo, Orange Money, or EU money
  • Customers can check their bills and lay complaints on their mobile phones using CAMWATER APP
  • In case of poor network, payment can be done through the customer’s prepaid card

Question? Contact Us

location Find us at the office

       Carrefour Messamendongo
       P.O. Box 19063, Yaounde, Cameroon

phone  Give us a ring
       (+237) 696871601
       (+237) 654360088

email info@emeraldafrica.cm

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